Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Praying and Fasting

Praying: What I would like you to join me in if you are so inclined - for the surgeon that she gets all the cancer out, that there is no lymph node involvement, and that I will joyfully trust God no matter the outcome.

Fasting: What my surgeon and anesthesiologist require of me on Wednesday before surgery :)

All is well.


  1. Prayers! You'll do great, and lymph nodes WILL be clear. Keep us posted.


  2. I'm reading a wonderful little devotional on contentment. My prayer for you is that you will find contentment in any and all situations, for any and all results.
    Know that there are many who love you and are praying mightily.

  3. Beth, I'm so blessed that Lori takes the time to forward the Bios Newsletter so I found out about your blog!! I'm grateful and honored to pray for you! I know in my situation I'm working on not saying "why God", but "what God" - What are you doing - God, please give Beth a glimpse of your plan and purpose, please surround her with your peace and assurance that you are at work and will get the glory through all of it! In Jesus Name, we pray that you would heal her body, that you would wrap your arms around her, give her peace that surpasses all comprehension and comfort that can only come from your hand! In His Hands,
    April Still
